Can i still use the editor to publish changes without having to export code each time?

Let say I want to use Webflow (CMS plan) to build a new website for my company, which we will host on our own domain and servers. From what i understand, once the site is built in the Designer, we will have to export the code and then upload it on our server/domain.

However, we have some occasional blogs on our site where we will need to update and create new content. Does this mean that each time we want to make a change to the site and create a new blog post or news article we will have to export and upload the code to our hosting? Or will we be able to make changes with Editor and publish directly without exporting??

Sorry if this question has already been asked, I couldn’t find anything on this question.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

You can’t export CMS data and host it elsewhere, only static pages. What you can do is using something like Udesly’s adapter to turn your Webflow project into a Wordpress / Jamstack site.