Bulleted list font is larger than normal rich text paragraphs

Hi everyone,

I published an article with a bulleted list inside the rich text field. The font of the bullet points appear larger than the paragraphs. I found another article similar to mine on the Webflow forum [here] but the video link is no longer working. Any help would be greatly appreciated! (Bulleted list font appears larger than normal rich text paragraphs)

Here is my public share link: [LINK](Webflow - Intaker Help Center)
(how to access public share link)

Hi @cloebp

Check out this video https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYnO2DwLH0 provided in the post below.

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Thank you! I tried making some edits but the bullet points disappeared completely. Do you have any ideas why that might be?

Hi @cloebp

I’ve recorded the process to help get you out of trouble :sunglasses:


Nice website build… :+1:

@bullshark Thank you so much for this video! It was so helpful. Do you by chance know how to solve the other issue of the bullet point font size not matching the rest of the text?

@cloebp At the 31s mark of the video you can apply the rich text paragraph styling to the list item styling. Make sure you do it across all breakpoints before reconnecting the dynamic content.

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The typography settings for both are set to size 19, height 28, & font Rubik. Somehow they still don’t match? Thanks again for all of your help.

@cloebp In the screenshots below for the tablet breakpoint, you can see the paragraph font size is set to 17px, but the list item remains at 19px.