I used the ‘Dulce’ template but found that my preloader fails to work in the same way. My half-loaded page can be see for a split second before the preloader kicks in despite my preloader being set to begin as fully visible on initial state on page load (set to white background colour, absolutely positioned, full, flex etc. I double checked it against the relevant Webflow tutorial video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VthMa3jXjJ4 and it all seems right, so I cannot find the source of the issue.
Waow, if everyone took the time to craft a nice diagram as you did Thanks!
I’m not witnessing the flash, it may have to do with the order of loading of the elements but I don’t know much about how to control that.
However such flashs appears with IX, sometimes it’s on the inverse scenario, when you want something to be invisible at first and show up after. The solution for this can also apply to you.
Your structure is pretty simple and all your content is in one DIV. So use a onload IX that is going to hide the content of the page (initial state) and show it 200 or 300ms later, the time for your preloader to show up and finish running. If the content still flashes before being masked by the UI, then just set the content opacity zero in the style panel and make the IX bring it to 100% 300ms
@JanneWassberg Yes, this is what I did as a short term fix. I published the fix to live but unpublished it to preview to demonstrate it is still an issue - this isn’t a proper solution because it requires this fix action every single time I republish the site which isn’t very practical for my client.
@vincent I haven’t tried your suggestion yet, but I will look in to it and report back.
It looks like this is a result of FOUT (Flash of unstyled text). This usually occurs when text is finished loading before the Webfont and is not uncommon with Google Fonts. In this case the flash is interrupting your preloader page load animation.
Two potential workarounds:
Add the following custom code to the head of the site: