Blog without going through Webflow?

Just curious if anyone knows how to create a blog on a website without using the Webflow one (since this one only works if you host through webflow and doesn’t work if you export the code.) Any ideas would be greatly appreciated!

@Waldo @Sabanna

Hi, @Quantumgo

Do you want to have a blog on your Webflow site, but blog should not be created with CMS? Did I got it correct?

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@sabanna Yes it will be starting out on Webflow but my company exports the HTML and other documents and uploads them to other servers. The blog doesn’t let you export it, it doesn’t work once exported and uploaded lets say through GoDaddy.

Well, then you will have to do some kind of template.
Create sample page for the blog-post without using Dynamic data. Then you will get a full structure and design of the blog-post after export the site.

@sabanna is there a way to set it so the client can fill out the blog and it posts or would I have to integrate a blog widget? Do you know of any blog widgets that would work?

I also was wondering when you do a one page scroll site but want to have other pages added as well; since the nav buttons are going to a “section” on the homepage they don’t work on the other pages… How can I make sure they do work and go to the correct section on the homepage?

On the server with exported site, there should be installed some other CMS type system then.

If you want to try some kind of blogging widget, you can try this plugin Free Microblog App for Website: The Best Rated Microblog App for 2023 - . Really don’t know how it will show blog-post page, but you can try. At least other plugins from that guys is pretty cool.

On the other page in the link settings add the link address in this format: /#section_id

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@sabanna, in the link settings under custom attributes?

No, settings panel, where you set the link address. Use option “external link”

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@sabanna oh got it! Thank you so much you’re such a help; you and @waldo have helped me learn so much and I really appreciate it!

You are always welcome :slight_smile:

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@sabanna oh my gosh I am in love with this blog platform, you are amazing for sharing this with me!!

@sabanna do you know if this blog is white label capable? We don’t want it to advertise the blog widget on the sites.

I believe some of the paid plans allow you to hide their brand

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@Sabanna eeeek I need help again! So the widget has a set hight of 600px but I when you make the window smaller it moves the blogs below one another but I can’t scroll to see those other ones because of the set height. I want to make the height auto or 100%; either aren’t working for me, help?

I hope it’s an easy fix!

Set overflow: auto to the Webflow embed code widget. Should allow you to scroll the content.

@sabanna for some reason it still isn’t working for me. Would you be willing to take a look at my site and tell me what I’m doing wrong?

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