Blog post publishing


So I think I’m starting to understand the CMS feature for blogging.

But I’m confused if I still have to add a manual page every time I’m going to publish or will it just post live to the blog?

What’s the best way to have this happen once I or an editor makes a blog?


You still have to type it manually (or use some speech to text app) - then to launch it you just need to hit the button :slight_smile:

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Got it thank you.

With that said. How can I have a preview of a blog post from page be clickable so it can then go to the full length blog post?

Hi Arodeco

Not sure I understand your question - anyway here is A good video about building blog post with webflow :slight_smile:

If you’ll need - I’m here for more help

Sorry I could’ve worded my question better.

You know how when you go to some blogs (like this one: Flexport Blog | Freight Forwarding & Customs Brokerage Insights) they preview their blog posts (but not the full length)

How do you do that? And then how do you make it link/click to display the full blog post by itself?

Is it just adding a ‘read more/view’ text or button that goes to that page?


If you are looking for something like that I can help you by let you clone this project. Other way you can use one of the webflow free template for digging and understanding how to build blog :slight_smile: