What is the best practice for uploading blog posts to Webflow?
I’m looking for a quicker solution than copy & pasting plain text from Microsoft Word into my [post body] within the CMS blog, then styling each heading, image placement, quotes, etc…
Even if you don’t think your way is a best practice… I’d still love to hear it if it differs from this!
You should not need to style your post elements individually. If using a rich text field with a class assigned, you could style nested elements instead. That should reduce the steps involved. OBTW: no need for post bumps. I usually pass those over on purpose.
I have a rich text field with a class assigned. I am curious if there is a way to upload a CSV or copy and paste the already styled (in MS Word) into Webflow.
Is there a way to get Webflow to take the styling from another application is the overarching question I suppose. Font sizes, bold, underlines, italics, left and right alignment, images floated to the right/left, etc.
Do you know of any good resources going into more detail about what you’re referring to? I’m still new to webflow and love a good resource to refer back to.