Hi guys
The background video doesn’t work any more on mobile it used to I haven’t update the site or anthing …
Just get this play button…
Hi guys
The background video doesn’t work any more on mobile it used to I haven’t update the site or anthing …
Just get this play button…
Hey @Adam_Wright, just wanted to pop in & let you know it’s actually working for me! I checked on my Galaxy S8, both Chrome and Samsung Internet and it’s working just fine for me Maybe it’s your internet connection & it needs time to load?
Hi @Adam_Wright,
Hmm this does sound odd, and I was unable to reproduce the issue as well on my Google Pixel in Chrome.
Would you be able to let us know which device and browser you may be using?
This info will be helpful as our team takes a look for us.
Thanks in advance!
This is an odd one as it works on my Iphone xs but on mates Iphone 7 it dint work But allso wors on Samung S10 useing chrome
(It used to work on the iphone 7
Hmm, this definitely sounds odd, as I am currently unable to reproduce the issue within Browserstack.com while testing an iPhone 7. You may see the test here.
Is this issue affecting other iPhone 7 devices?
Would your mate be able to clear their browser cache to note if the issue persists? Also, would you be able to share which browser is experiencing this issue?
Thanks again
Thanks for turning me on to Browserstack.
Maybe It could be loading issue like @jenevineb as Ive got my mate to clear is cache also thanks @mistercreate for showing me broswerstack … nice
Thanks, @Adam_Wright
My teammate, Ben , also noted that background videos may not autoplay on touch devices if a site visitor has enabled data saver.
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