Audio Embed Works in Designer/Preview, but not in Published Site

(Reposting this in this bugs category, just in case!)

In the “Sermon Series Template” collection page (“Transforming Lives” Item is selected), I have a dynamic embed that’s pulling the url to an .mp3 file, formatting it in an html5 audio player. (Right now I’m using the sermon “Captured by Grace” as my test – it’s the only item with an audio link plugged into the dynamic collection.)

It works just fine in the designer and preview mode. However, when I publish the live site, the embed/mp3 no longer works. Any ideas why?

Here is my public share link: Webflow - Faith Community Church | Hudson, WI

Here’s the live link:

Hi @switchboard I was not able to reproduce this behavior on my end in a duplicate of your site, after publishing the site the audio clip shows up on that page without any issues in the latest version of Google Chrome?

In latest version of Safari:

Latest version of Firefox:

Are you seeing it there as well?

Which browser are you trying to preview the audio file on as you may need to upload it in different formats for best browser support.

Could you please let me know what browser version you’re using by sending me your information from this page?

There should be a small share link when you visit the page which you can send to me. Thanks in advance!

I see that the audio sources are currently uploaded on your custom domain and recommend that you download and host those audio files externally until we allow for hosting audio files in Webflow hosted sites.

Thanks for digging in, Waldo.
I’m still not seeing the functional audio player in my Chrome:

Here’s my web browser info:

I’m actually grabbing the audio url from their old (current) site, not the Webflow hosted site.

Thanks again!

@switchboard it looks like you have some browser extensions running which could be causing the audio file from being blocked.

Can you please try the following:
(1) Try to reproduce the error while visiting the site using Incognito mode with browser extensions turned off: Browse in private - Computer - Google Chrome Help
(2) If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Console and send it to me: Chrome DevTools - Chrome Developers

Please send me screenshots of what you’re seeing after trying that of the full browser.

Regarding your audio source, yes I saw that it’s hosted on the old site and was recommending that you move those audio files over to a different platform for serving your audio files to make sure they don’t disappear when you setup your site hosting on Webflow. :grimacing:

Tried incognito with extensions turned off. No dice. Here’s a screencap of my console:

Ah, gotcha concerning the external audio hosting. Thanks for the good reminder.

It doesn’t work on any of my coworker’s browsers either. Could it be some firewall issue? (Total noob guessing here!)

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