Apps: Hubspot Forms shows html tag <p> and </p>

Hi folks,

I want to launch the new Hubspot App integration and style my Hubspot form in Webflow. However, webflow adds html tags for the GDPR control / checkbox text. Any idea how to remove this?

PS: Great work on ease of use to launch integrations in Webflow!


@Apps_Support @WebflowCommunityTeam
Unfortunately, this issue is still not solved. Anyone who can help with it?

Adding my voice to it. For me, it even shows links as tags… @JannikOberlies how were you able to have “Datenschutz” as link?

Hey @Matthias_Dietrich, This is retrieved from the original source - in my case it’s defined as link in hubspot. Just have a look at the screenshots I attached.

@JannikOberlies I’ve run into the same issue, have you been able to resolve this?

Hey @JannikOberlies @Matthias_Dietrich @Jasper_Vermeulen here is a workaround you can use in the meantime…

This is the code snippet. Just change it to your classname and the p-tags will be deleted on the published page:

// Get all labels with the class .form_checkbox
var checkboxLabels = document.querySelectorAll('.form_checkbox');

// Loop through each label
checkboxLabels.forEach(function (label) {
  // Check if the label contains the <p> tags
  if (label.innerHTML.includes('&lt;p&gt;') && label.innerHTML.includes('&lt;/p&gt;')) {
    // Remove the <p> tags and their contents
    label.innerHTML = label.innerHTML.replace(/&lt;p&gt;|&lt;\/p&gt;/g, '');

Hi… can you please tell me where to put this code?

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Hi Flexcode,

I’m trying to figure out where I can make the suggested adjustments. Can you point us in the right direction?


I dragged the checkbox out of the label. then I changed the text and simply pushed the checkbox back into the lable.

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