Hubspot Forms not populating

Hi everyone, I’m trying to add a form (that I am pulling from Hubspot using the Hubspot connected app) to our partner page. As I click to add the form this error code appears and I can not figure out why the form isn’t embedding (screenshot attached below with the failed red error message). I clicked a different form to test if others would work using our Contact Us form which had previously populated with ease before but now has a message that says the form is not supported. Does this have anything to do with the new update for the connected app?

Screenshot 2024-02-07 at 3.30.49 PM

Hi @lilslickcase, with the latest version of the Hubspot integration, the App now detects compatibility with the underlying Hubspot form to make sure it functions as expected.

Because the mapping/embed options don’t yet support Hubspot field dependencies, the recommendation is to use the “iframe embed” option. While this option doesn’t support the same custom styling, the Form will be automatically refreshed as the Hubspot Form definition changes. Alternatively, you may be able to update the Hubspot schema to remoe dependencies if that’s an option for your use case.

As always, we’re committed to continuing to improve the App and adding new features.

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