Hi @flowgurus, thanks for the post. Apple domain verification is not (yet) supported in Webflow natively as a general feature apart from Webflow ecommerce, however there is a workaround that some have indicated is working for them here:
anything we can do as a community to get this request more attention at Webflow HQ?
The 301 only works partly / for some use cases. The other solution is implementing a CDN on your domain and the fetching the one request to return the proper file,… and let the other requests through to Webflow.
So I gave it a good crack. It seems that Webflow 301 redirects do not support having a “.” in the root url. And as we need to upload the verification file to “https://{your-domain}/.well-known/apple-developer-merchantid-domain-association”, this returns a 500 (you can see how I’ve set up the redirect below)
I have the file hosted on a WordPress (ew ^_^) site somewhere else but can’t redirect to it.
I’ve spoken with Stripe support and they’ve said this is their only way of providing verification for Apple Pay on websites. How are other people using Apple Pay on Webflow sites without being able to do this? Curious.
Hi @flowgurus, thanks, my apology I missed that you were enabling web payments in built in Ecommerce, could you please create a ticket with our support on this so that we can help to take a look further? Webflow Customer Support | Webflow University
If you contact to support, we can help with private account information and setup and help to confirm the settings on your particular project.
The project should be connected in Webflow and custom domain published with no custom domain issues detected in the hosting tab of project settings, our Support team can help to check that.