Any updates: Ability to display more than 100 items in a dynamic list


Just checking in how the pagination update is coming along?
I Need to know what is the limit of CMS items per page (is it still 100) ?


Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hi @Zozo

Yes the limit of CMS items per page is still 100.

â–ş [LIST] Feature Availability & Limits

Pagination is still in development phase:

Hope this helps!

Really hope it will come soon. Otherwise it’s just a cripped CMS and you can’t launch ecommerce without pagination.


Has pagination alleviated the 100 item limit in a dynamic list? I’m trying to forward plan a large blog for a client.


Yes, it has in a way because you can have 100 items per page of the pagination, and the limit of pages in the pagination is ridiculously high.


Thank you. Saves mocking up a 101 item list to test it : )


If you ever encounter a limit, please let me know for â–ş [LIST] Feature Availability & Limits - Project settings - Forum | Webflow

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Hey @samliew when the feature first came out this is what I experienced. I haven’t double check this since.

How many pagination pages can you have? Apparently 1750 is the max. I set a collection to display 1 item per pagination for a collection with 2865 items.



Kind of random issue, but want to see if there is any way to fix it? I have 222 items, so need 3 pages. I have also set up a filter using “Jet Boost”. The interaction I have set up only works for the items loaded on the page originally. So, if I do filter, then the interactions don’t work on the items that would’ve only shown up on the original page. I get that Jet Boost is outside of webflow, but only because webflow’s dynamically filtering is lame/non-existent.

So the easy fix is to just let us show like 300 items on a page. Or make better filtering. Or both…

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