Let’s say I have 3 image elements on my page. I use a combo class to effectively declare:
.image {
position: absolute;
border: 2px solid red;
opacity: .75;
etc: etc;
.one { top: -15px }
.two { top: -25px }
.three { top: -35px }
<img class="image one">
<img class="image two">
<img class="image three">
Webflow’s “combo class” feature means that, if I try to apply an animation to these elements via class, I have to use target three seperate “combos.” i.e. “image one”, “image two”, “image three.” This probably means webflow is using javascript to query/manipulate the dom via three separate queries. This seems very messy to me and probably impacts performance.
Whatever benefit the forced “combo classes” feature has, I can’t understand how they’d apply here. Allow us (see edit) to target any selector.
Who’s with me?
edit: Originally, I wrote “allow us to just target the top level selector of the combo class.” I now see that is possible, but it requires me to restructure the css of a whole group of elements.
Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)