Something strange going on with interactions, I have lost all my 20-30 interactions. It’s really frustrating. What can I do?
Hi @Emin,
Thanks for the post and sorry to hear about that trouble. A couple of things that may help to avoid this kind of behavior:
- Avoid opening the same site in the designer on multiple browser tabs, this is not supported.
- It is often helpful to first try the following steps:
- Try to reproduce the error while being logged into Webflow using Incognito mode with browser extensions turned off.
- If the problem persists, please take a screenshot of your Browser Error Console and send that to me.
- It may be helpful to disable the browser cache so that updated files are always downloaded instead of pulling old content from browser cache.
If the interactions are still missing, then the only way at the moment to restore those is through one of the Backups on the site.
If there are no restore versions with the interactions then the interactions will need to be recreated.
If you can help to share the site read only linke: Share a read-only link | Webflow University, I can help to check further.
Also, can you please inform which interactions are missing from the designer, did you previously have a list of those or screenshots showing the interaction?
Let me know if any questions.
Hi Dave,
Thank you for quick reply.
I tried to avoid to work on multiple browser tabs and seems like problem solved. Thank you for great tips.
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