Alignment issue with article category

Hi, I’ve finally finished all my articles and noticed a slight alignment issue with the category names on the desktop view. The articles in question are in the ‘Blog Posts (Premium)’ section of the CMS. No doubt it’s an easy fix for someone who knows what they’re doing. I have no idea how to fix this, so I’d be extremely grateful for a little help here. Many thanks in advance.

Here is my site Read-Only: (Webflow - National Health Magazine)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Your current design uses a flex on Details Wrapper to cause those elements - category, date, read mins to flow horizontally and wrap when necessary.

You’d need to restructure that.

One way is to move your badge up and out of the Details Wrapper, and wrap it in its own DIV. Give that DIV wrapper a bottom margin for spacing.

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The dates and categories are already left-aligned with each other, which you can see with the blue line - however your category buttons have pill-shaped background styling, so you’re left aligned with the element, not with the text.

I’m not sure what you’re trying to achieve but I recommend the Webflow-U courses on layouts, element positioning and especially flex layouts, which should help you most with whatever arrangement you want here.
