Hey, so I have a large web project for our team where we would like to collaborate on the same site (kind of like how in WordPress users can each take a page to build).
I am wondering since this isn’t possible in the same project designer, is there other ways you guys go about approaching this, other than cloning the site and merging them later in a master? (this is currently what we are doing, but it makes tons of duplicate classes and interactions in the master… lol)
Webflow designer is not designed for collaborative editing. The best practice is to not try until they support it. I have seen bad things happen when two designers had a collision on the same page. Good luck. For me I will stick to systems that support VC when it’s a requirement.
@webdev you have any idea when they might support it? Would be extremely helpful. I disagree though on not trying. Having some sort of solution is better than none. When you say bad things, are you talking about like the site breaking? Or duplicated classes?
I can honestly say merging two sites together to a master, isn’t really that bad. Just requires a little extra time on cleaning duty. lol (Webflow this isn’t an excuse to not make the real-time collaboration update)
Same, we’ve added a seat (or user, or whatever they call it on their dark pattern pricing page) turns out you can’t work in the same project (on different pages).
As Jeff mentioned it’s definitely not supported yet.
A way I’ve got around it on the past is just the same way you mentioned, have a spare staged site to work on the sections / pages and just copy them across when the other dev isn’t in the project any more.
It’s actually not THAT inconvenient, but it certainly would be nice to have some kind of Figma-like collaboration - maybe one day!
I hear that the Figma > Webflow automation is pretty awesome now (I haven’t tested it yet), so you could potentially also do your collaborative building together in Figma now? Which feels weird to say…