Ive been told some excellent ways to collaborate with the technical side of a large webflow site using github and other tools. But for a design heavy sites that are very time consuming, we can only have one designer working on one site, and cloning it in design phase gets crazy messy but kinda works.
I’ve discussed this for years, is it my thinking, my logic that is a miss? Is it not realistically possible? I’m a dumb ape and maybe just need telling your thinking isn’t helpful here, Or is it all about using Figma these days (which i am yet to do, damn You Adobe XD! haha)
Not a rant, just ive worked in digital agencies for many years in large teams, and now run a small business, so just seeing if I need to change my thinking, as at present im finding it hard to build webflow sites with my partner as we both want to get projects moving by building them at the same time (individual pages of course).
Thanks for the time reading