Add to cart - unknown error


On my published domain, eCommerce Test, I’m not able to add product to the cart.

Tried toggling the inventory on/off which had not effect on this error.

The store is setup besides adding hosting and enabling checkout. I should be able do test orders and add items to the cart as is, correct?

Hi @matthewpmunger – That error is because SSL is required to use any of the Ecommerce functionality on live sites (for store security purposes).

We’re working on improving the experience and messaging around this to make it easier to avoid (i.e. automatically use SSL for subdomain sites), and more clear when you’re testing in a case like this.

But for now, you can either set your custom domain to SSL and it will work fine, or if using your subdomain can just go to the https url and you will be all-good:


Thanks for the work-around been facing this issue too! :smiley:

Gotcha. Thanks @kkilat!

I figured it was something around ssl and hosting. Definitely need that SSL, no doubt. Just trying to figure out how to do tests.

Exactly. That would help avoid any confusion when testing out these ecommerce sites.