Cant add products to cart


I am trying to build a product page and so far I have two variations of tickets for the customers to purchase. The problem is that no matter what I do the items won’t end up in the cart. The cart remains empty and the error message “Product is not available in this quantity” shows. the same error message shows when nothing is added to the cart and I just press the cart button and it opens.

I have the setting on the cart button on “default” and not “error message” or “empty”

Does anyone have an idea why this is?

Hi @Kimberly_Rickle- Could you please share a published URL / URI adderss to your product page? That way someone can at least take a look.

What browser/OS combo did you test the page with?

here is the read only link:

The problem Is as you can probably tell from the link, is that the cart displays the error message no matter what I do, if I add a product, or just open the cart without adding any products. Maybe the problem is very easily solved but I just can’t seem to understand…

I test the page on Google Chrome.

The problem was a bug in web payments! i just disabled web payments (Apple pay and pay in browser) and the problems disappeared!

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