Add Slider to Rich Text Element

Hi! I was wondering if there’s a way to add sliders or lightboxes to a rich text element. I have a CMS page that has a rich text element I’m trying to edit, and am wondering if this is possible or if I need to recreate the CMS page as a regular page (and figure out how to filter CMS and other things with this).

Does anyone know if this is possible? It’d save me a heck of a lotta trouble :slight_smile:

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

Hey Sandra,

It is not possible to add a slider within a Rich Text element, but it is possible to instead add a multi-image field to the collection you are using, and then have that multi-image field render within a slider on the template page.

Here is one cloneable example of a multi-image field being used in a slider on the collection template page. Note that there is some custom JS in the page settings of the collection template page that makes it work.

Here is another cloneable template as well that is walking through how to do it in a similar way as the above, but they also provide a step-by-step tutorial on the setup with custom code:

Hopefully, this helps and let us know any other questions!

Neither of those previews work. Wish I checked before investing 2 hours into troubleshooting. Posts like this should be removed to stop wasting peoples time.