Ability to save client feedback regarding site design

I want to send a read-only link to my client and see what changes they’ve made to that link. The client will have copy updates, but I don’t want them to have to take a screenshot with all the changes they want made. Almost like Adobe Acrobat’s “Comment” tool. Is this possible?

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As of now recording / saving read-only link changes are not possible.

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Hey @uniquenewyork this feature is not available in Webflow yet but a great Wishlist item! :wink:

For now I’d recommend that your client makes a screen recording of the changes they’re making (using Quickcast or some screen capture software), or that they make screen shots using an annotating screenshot tool like Skitch.


@DharmaNode and @Waldo Thank you for your replies. I’ll see if I can add this to the Wishlist section.

Hi @uniquenewyork, while waiting for this feature, you might check out Trackduck, it is pretty good and can be added to your site quickly: https://trackduck.com. It allows your clients to add direct feedback about the design, on the live published site.

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