911! webflow site access Invite remains pending


I have emailed tech support about this, but no one there can provide me an answer.

I open my site > site access > Send invite.

  1. Webflow does not use a valid SPF record so Apple mail rejects their sends. (slap forehead at this painfully inept oversight)

  2. Gmail DOES receive invites, but when I copy and paste the link into my browser, nothing happens.

  3. I go back into the site setting and the invite remains as “invite pending”

  4. If I add /edit? to the end of the page, there is no section at the bottom allowing editors to login.


Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi inswav,

I’ve never had any issue with clients receiving legacy editor invites, including apple mail users. I use Google Workspace, and there, the SPF, DKIM, and DMARC all pass checks smoothly;

Received-SPF: pass (google.com: domain of pm_bounces@pm-bounces.webflow.com designates as permitted sender)
dkim=pass header.i=@pm.mtasv.net header.s=pm20241021 header.b=elBpDd7K;
dkim=pass header.i=@webflow.com header.s=20180625133755pm header.b=ek5BQ28q;
dmarc=pass (p=REJECT sp=NONE dis=NONE) header.from=webflow.com

If you’re testing a legacy editor invite, make sure you’re not already logged into the legacy editor in that browser instance. The easiest way to do that is by pasting the invite into an incognito browser window. I’ve just checked and it worked great for me ( Chrome incognito ).

So let’s run through the obvious solutions, I’ll try to order them easiest first;

  • Have the client check their SPAM folder. Even if Apple mail were having a problem, the invite would likely appear in SPAM.
  • Whitelist @webflow.com in Apple Mail
  • Use a different email, like a Gmail one for editor logins

Note that the legacy editor is end of life already, and will be removed in about 6 months in favor of client seats and the designer’s edit mode.

I’d recommend you do those legacy editor invites anyway because those will be transitioned for free to client seats when that migration occurs.

BUT, if you want to give the client a much better editing experience now, another option is to pay for a “limited seat” in the hosted site’s workspace to give them direct access to edit mode in that site. A lot of advantages to that, including localization and component properties but until client seats are launched you would be paying a bit more for those limited seats now.

You wrote: "I’ve never had any issue with clients receiving legacy editor invites, including apple mail users. "

Funny. because I’ve been using email for oh, I don’t know, 30 years? Do you not think I would look in my spam folder?

|The response from the remote server was:

554 5.7.1 [CS01] Message rejected due to local policy. Please visit https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204137|

spf=none (google.com: postmaster@mail-sor-f69.google.com does not designate permitted sender hosts) smtp.helo=mail-sor-f69.google.com;

Now, on to your other ‘advice’ - yes, I pasted the link into an incognito browser and the status still says “Pending Invite” so now what do I do?

My guess is that Webflow has intentionally removed invites because they are money-grubbing and want people to pay MORE money for the privilege of allowing another editor.

Once the legacy editor is removed, we will have no option other than to pay more money. You say it is free but that is a joke right? I have to pay $15 each month for something that WAS working, and now it soon will not. FFS these software companies are simply run by morons who could care less about people. 100% pure greed.

I really wish the people at Webflow would stop insulting people with endless gotchas and constantly paying more and more for less and less. if I am correct, and if any new users are reading this, realize webflow is evil and really sucks. Stay with Wordpres.

BTW, Michael, your advice was totally useless and unhelpful. I am not a novice.

BTW, Webflow valuation is currently $4B so out of the goodness of their heart, they want to charge $15 more which was free. FFS this is what I mean by pure evil.

When you try to reach a human and AI run defence - lol. What a joke.

Not even once, in more than 100 hosted site clients.

It’s possible Apple is doing some form of server forwarding, but you can inspect Webflow’s SPF yourself records directly in the DNS. They’re definitely established and as I showed you Google sees and handles them perfectly.

You’re not making any sense here. Webflow has not removed invites. I’ve just retested legacy editor invites and they’re working great.

Legacy editor use is still free, and still tied to the Site Plan, no added costs. If your email is failing, that’s where your problem lies.

Your best bet is to search the forum, if others were having these problems, you’d see them. I’m a regular here and I haven’t seen any issues mentioned in a very long time. Invest some effort diagnosing your Apple mail problems in Apple’s forums also. If there’s an issue, you wouldn’t be the only one affected.

Super. I’m very glad I spent the time to help you investigate.

Since you know how to research these things, you can check the SPFs, DKIMs, and DMARCs yourself- I’m not sure what your community post was for. There clearly isn’t anything you’re trying to answer or resolve here.

Good luck.

“You’re not making any sense here. Webflow has not removed invites. I’ve just retested legacy editor invites and they’re working great.”

This is helpful? – I told you as plain as I can that I pasted the link into an Incognito browser and nothing happens. The invite remains as “Pending”

Telling me to search through the forums – > I DID THAT!! And there is nothing found to tell me why my links are not working.

Saying "It works for me’ is the most frustrating thing someone can say.

So, WTF am I supposed to do with your tid-bit of insight? The correct course of action is for someone in tech support to ask me to send an invite to their email and see if it works for them. However, no one has responded and it;'s been three days since I’ve been trying to sort this out.

I apologize for being frustrated, but seriously, you keep saying my email is failing, but I am getting them - NOT AT APPLE for the reason I previously mentioned.

SPF record is not valid. ANyway, I don’t care, I am getting GMAIL invites, but the link does NOTHING <— do you see this?

I created a new site and sent an invite and it works. There is something wrong with the site I am trying to use in production.

I stand vindicated that it is not something wrong with my email or browser. This is clearly an issue with the site.

If anyone else is having the same problem,

Turn off

Global canonical tag URL
Under Advanced publishing options I turned off all the options…
Enable SSL
Minify HTML
Minify CSS
Minify JS

Then clicking repeatingly at the bottom of the page, if you have your mouse on the VERY edge of the page, the login div opens and you can finally add a password.

Good lord, Webflows instructions are wholly poor, this entire experience required a whole bunch of F***ing around with zero help from Webflow staff.