404 error on Blog articles - CMS Collections Links issues

Hi there,

I am currently building a website based on the Agon Template

Since I started to edit the blog items, I encounter some problems with the dynamic links.
I get a 404 error page as soon as I click on any button situated in the Blog section of my Homepage.
I had a look through the button properties and can’t find the actual problem.
Surprisingly enough, when I rollover the buttons, the URL value seems to be correct !


Would be fantastic is somebody could help me solve this issue.

Thanks a lot.

Hello @Vincent_BDX, welcome to the community! Sometimes that issue happens because the templates use symbols to build faster. What you have to do is to unlink your blogs button from its symbol by right clicking on it.
Screen Shot 2024-02-17 at 9.23.41 PM
After that just go the button settings and set the link to go to the current blog item
Screen Shot 2024-02-17 at 9.24.18 PM
I hope this helps!

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Thank you very much for your help Pablo_Cortes :ok_hand:

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