Very Happy very Excited: I was worried about a new project where I have to add hundreds of products into a CMS collection for a customer. Just solved in few minutes for free with Zapier integration: very easy (if I did it everybody can do it).
Just made a Zap that involves GoogleSheet + Webflow: prepare a Goggle Sheet with fields name, make a zap that every time that a row is added, a new item will be added to your collection linked.
Then populate your GoogleSheet with rows (= propducts) and your Collection will be automatically populated!
Great Help: thanks to Webflow guys!
(initially I was getting some error “burgle…400 etc”: the googlesheet was not linked anymore. I started again to build the zap and it worked!)
I haven’t realized before reading you that we actually DO have an import feature already. Perfect!
Thanks for making that clear for everyone
Could you rephrase your title to something like “use Zappier to mass import into a collection” ? I’m sure “import” is searched a lot on the forum. That could help others.