Zapier/Webflow Integration - Feeding Data to a Dropdown Field

Hi All,

On Zapier, I have set up a Create Item Action (Adds a new item to a given collection) but it does not appear that either Webflow or Zapier is compatible when it comes to Creating an Item that includes feeding data to a dropdown field (the other fields are filled right from the Zap).

I have seen a few threads on this in previous years but have not been able to find a solution or workaround. Any and all assistance would be appreciated. I am sure I am not the only one who has run into this.

When you create an item with an option (not a dropdown) the value in Webflow is an ID, you don’t have to write the option text, but the ID of the option. You can grab the ID from the APIs by fetching the collection schema, you will find an array of options inside the property called “validations” Get Collection (

Thank you for the quick reply! Unfortunately for my application, only the CMS dynamic dropdown will work. Are you aware of a similar solution for the dropdown?

What you mean by dropdown? The custom field type in Webflow is called Option

Sorry for the confusion! I do mean dropdown, more specifically a reference dropdown.

That’s still not a dropdown but a Reference field as you can see from your screenshot, same approach for that, you have first to grab the id of the item of the other collection and save it as value, you have to first download all the other items of the collection and find the id by the slug or by the title of the item, than save the original item with the id as the value

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If you only have a few reference items, and know which one you want, you can see those IDs as well in the CMS on the item page. However that will only work if you’re pre-setting a specific reference.

If you don’t know that in advance, you’ll need to do a full lookup step to get that ID, as Pietro suggested.

Still waiting for when Webflow adds a collection items api by slug, is a total mess to only lookup by one foreign key…

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Yes, I’m hopeful that’s coming, Logic has that ability internally.

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Sweet! It’s a must to have!