Wrong current navlink highlighted

As the topic suggest, I have a problem with “current” navlink class. It appears, that when two sections are visible on the screen, highlighting just won’t work. I’d love to know if there’s a workaround for this. I don’t want to add height to my sections unnecessarily just to make it work.

Please check the link below to see an example.

Here is my public share link: LINK
(how to access public share link)

I believe that the navlinks will only get highlighted once you can scroll a certain % down the page if you know what i mean. So you can fix this by making the section that’s not being highlighted longer.

Also, i see that almost the entirety of the elements that you’re using are made out of sections. What helped me a lot when i was learning Webflow was seeing how other people made their sites.

You can go to the discover page, press on a site and click ‘open in webflow’

Hope this helped! :smiley:


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