Why are some background videos playing and others do not play on mobile?

Hello, I am using background videos. They are essential to my design. On my homepage, on mobile, the background video plays no problem. But on other pages, my background video doesn’t play and just has a play button on them. How can i get them to auto-play? They all work fine on desktop. Any help would be so much appreciated.

Here is the read-only to the pages not playing

  1. Webflow - Limoni Belli Website

  2. Webflow - Limoni Belli Website

Here is the read-only to the page playing

  1. Webflow - Limoni Belli Website

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

How did you test it? On mobile device or on browser inspect?

I know that iOS stops the background videos from playing on auto if the battery saver is on.

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You nailed it. I feel stupid. Thank you so much

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No worries! Glad I helped! :slight_smile:

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