White space on the right side of mobile preview


Can anyone help me figure out why there is white space on the right side when I preview my website on mobile?

I appreciate it!


Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/quagga-designs-1?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=quagga-designs-1&preview=a58747cb9275c14df8eabe69f1dcafbd&mode=preview
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

Hi, I can not see any white space. but I can see a problem with the text on the first slide being hidden :wink:

Thanks for pointing that out!

@Baadtaste I’m seeing the white space when I preview the link on mobile on my phone.

@Baadtaste I am still having the same problem and have been trying to figure out how to fix this for months. It doesn’t look professional on the mobile version of my site and I’m losing sales because of it.

I set all of the main sections for their Overflow to hidden, but I still have a white bar on the right side. It’s a problem too because when people want to swipe through the photos the white bar appears and it looks unprofessional. I also got rid of all of the margins for each section as well and nothing has worked.

Any suggestions would be really appreciated! Here is the website and read-only link, I would encourage you to view it on mobile to really see what I’m talking about: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/quagga-designs-1?utm_medium=preview_link&utm_source=designer&utm_content=quagga-designs-1&preview=a58747cb9275c14df8eabe69f1dcafbd&mode=preview

Website link (view this on mobile to see what I mean): https://www.quaggadesigns.com/