White Space on bottom


There’s a white space at the bottom of the page that I can’t seem to remove. It doesn’t show up in Webflow while editing the page but it shows up on the live version of the page. How can I remove that white space?

Thank you!!!

Preview Link: Webflow - AllVoices

Staging Site: https://allvoices-draft-30c563468eab41b341dd2fd.webflow.io/new-templates/home

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Hi, Remi! Took a quick look and I’m not seeing any extra whitespace at the bottom of the page. Can you clarify which device / browser you’re seeing this on?

Thanks! I see it on Chrome, and I’ve tried different devices (Mac, PC, iPhone), and I see it on every device. It’s a white bar under the footer so if you scroll all the way down, you should see it.

Hi @Remi_Silva !

I’m not sure how (I’m guessing is a specificity issue) but the CTA-section is overriding the Global body and giving it a top and bottom padding of 80.
That’s what you see.

One way is with finsweet’s extension.

Possibly easier ways:
at the CTA section

  1. duplicate the class
  2. set the padding to zero and add a combo


hi @Remi_Silva issue with bottom extra space is related to your custom code
<img src="https://tracking.g2crowd.com/attribution_tracking/conversions/1006434.gif?e=">. As this issue is on each page code will be in Project settings in custom code tab.

You can give this img element a class and set display:none to fix bottom space issue

There is another issue that cause horizontal scroll on smaller screens and it can be fixed when Social Proof Section will have set overflow: hidden

Thank you! I added style=“display:none” to the G2 script and I think the issue is resolved now.

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I’ve had the same issue. I’ve found it seems to be because the editor mode (available to any browsers logged in to the project on webflow) requires third party cookies to display an ‘edit site’ button at the bottom of the page.

Tested: You will note that the white space is not visible if you visit your site in incognito or any browser not logged in to webflow.

Quick fix: Allow third party cookies for your site in the site settings on your browser.

Full fix: Recommend adding a cookies dialogue so users who are logged in to the webflow project can accept third party cookies without having to change settings themselves in the browser.