Website's Logo/favicon still not showing up on google search results

Website’s Logo/favicon still not showing up on google search results. I have tried updating it several times but as seen in the image it still shows up as the webflow basic logo.

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Here is my site Read-Only: [LINK](Webflow - hygge hut)
(how to share your site Read-Only link)


I have the same issue. My site got published on Google today. Without favicon ;-(
It seems, that google wants a 48x48px image, and Webflow expects a 32x32px image.
Any help would be appreciated!
Also…check-out my website :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yes! What is the solution to this?

Follow Google’s guidance to the letter then wait.

Can you please explain?

@Michael4 - Is Google broken? A quick search for “show favicon in Google search results” produced this result first.

The wait part is what you get with Google. You wait until they update.

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I have the same issue with my website ( as well. The Webflow Logo is showing up even though I’ve done all the SEO settings which are needed to be done

This issue was not present in my previous website ( which showed the correct logo instead of the Webflow Logo

Took this image from Incognito Mode


Google can be slow to index these, it’s a separate bot that runs less frequently.
However yours is showing ok here;


Ahh, yess, I noticed that it’s working now.

I had made a lot of changes for the favicon, don’t know whether it’s just because google is being slow, or because of them!

Love how webflow completely ignores this problem and never comments


Well, it is a terrible platform so I would expect nothing less.

figures a webflow “community leader” would give a snarky answer :grinning:

Jeff’s invested more time here helping people than you can imagine…
even when their question have nothing to do with Webflow, like the one above.

As a community leader, he’s also one of the first to challenge Webflow on their failings.

You could try being being part of the solution too.

Webflow’s wishlist is the place to add and vote for platform changes you’d like to see.

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I am facing the same issue.Although I have updated the fav icon,webclip and added a custom code in the head section providing a fav icon link still in the search results i am getting the webflow logo in google search results but on opening the site the fav icon is being displayed.Don’t know why is this happening and how to solve it.

You might check Google forums on that-
You can see here Google has indexed your icon just fine, so it’s choosing not to show it.

Also seems to be showing fine in SERPs for me-


Well, thanks again @memetican for your help - somehow you are everywhere with useful stuff! Google started to not show a favicon of my site, which it showed once before… obviously my client now thinks I did something wrong with maintaining the site.

I’m just bringing this topic up to give it a bit more attention. I mean we have over half a million websites build in webflow and I find it concerning if there is not a fool proof way of giving google what it needs to display the favicon correctly in the search results.
There is a wishlist entry, please vote for it guys. It’s a mystery to me how a so basic but crucial change from 32x32 to 48x48 pixel favicon size can get missed for two years…

Any updates here? Struggling with same issue, Google Search not showing custom favicon, instead just showing Webflow icon. Anything we can do to fix this?