Hi All
I have published a client website and there are some distorted elements on it. Margin size, interactions, and map aren’t performing correctly especially on tablet and mobile. Here’s the public link
Hi All
I have published a client website and there are some distorted elements on it. Margin size, interactions, and map aren’t performing correctly especially on tablet and mobile. Here’s the public link
Can you please share your project’s public link so it’s easier to understand your issue?
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also point to where exactly problems are.
Hi Vincent
Thanks for your attention
The mobile view :
On tablet view:
On desktop view:
That is what I have noticed, let me know from your end
If i look on http://chandalgroup.webflow.io/, I don’t witness the desktop bug. Also what “can’t enter street adress” means?
Full street address returns error in the address field. It only accepts area name, no street name, block, building number etc
On mobile view : The testimonial sections has hidden text
I have corrected all sections that had a problem, and I am left with the mobile portrait view as the Businesses sliders are off place.
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