Mobile website_not responsive with portrait layout

I have worked on a website but I have a lot of problems with responsiveness.
This website should be a mobile website, so I am not interested in the desktop version (even if I would like to understand why I can’t see images in the slider).
The website is quite ok for “mobile landscape” but it seems a mess for “mobile portrait”. Could you please help me in understanding my mistakes?

The link is Design Responsive Websites - Webflow

Can you please share your project’s public link so it’s easier to understand your issue?

Learn how to do it here: Share a read-only link | Webflow University

here you go: Webflow - cdv3

I see the site but I’m not quite sure what the problem is…

Hi Vincent,
with the portrait mobile layout I have the following problems:

  • widget of twitter: you can see only half of it
  • in the second and third slide the button disappear
  • in the newsletter section I wrote “write your email address” but the sentence is cut.

In the desktop layout and tablet layout, I can’t see the graphic of the bottom called “chiama” and “prenota”. With these layout I can’t see images in the slider.

I have also two further questions:

  • I have problems in adding the link in the nav bar: when I add a link it goes on the left on the link, but I can’t manage to put it beneath the last link.
  • I would like to reduce the size of the map. Is it possibile?

Thank you in advance

You have to adapt all these styles for the desired device. When on mobile view in the designer, adapt the sizes and positions, properties etc to suit your wishes. It won’t affect how things look in for higher devices in the hierarchy.

At this point, my advice is to watch the tutorials videos explaining how to design with responsivity.