I used the new conversion tool for images that are in the asset panel, however if I have added my images to collection item directly they do not seem to show up in the assets panel, how would I go about compressing those if I wanted too?
Collection images are not uploaded to assets so asset optimization won’t target them there. I have been using manual off Webflow asset conversions, but this is a laborious process with Webflow for now. I don’t know if addressing images in rich text fields or multi-image fields is on Webflow’s radar. Maybe @matthewpmunger could advise us?
Hey @Eric_Paullin
For our first release WebP, compression is only available for static images in the asset manager. We’re actively exploring enhancements to add support for CMS images and images in rich text fields in the future.
Due to that fact, if you want to convert those other assets right now, you’d need convert those assets prior to uploading to Webflow. Of the top of my head, here are some services to check out that handle compression and conversion:
Every designer will likely have their go to app for compression, so look around, test, and find the service that works best for your needs.
This is also a relevant Twitter thread about when to use webp format.
Ah sounds good, I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t missing something. It was not a pressing concern to convert those, as there are about 200 or more images in the collection fields.
Thanks for your response!
Optily does a great job at compressing your CMS collection images automatically https://www.optily.co/
The one thing it didn’t do well was compressing static images, so now it’s all sorted!
It’s not webp though but uses tinypng so still pretty good!
Any chance that webp compression for CMS galleries has made it on to the radar yet for webflow devs?
Wondering the same @matthewpmunger . Any idea if this is on the radar? Don’t know how much work it is but I have a Collection of 1425 items and the images are too big for google performance.
Would love to have a way to automatically compress them
@MilanCC I know you’re hoping for a native solution, but if you need that performance faster I build reverse a specific reverse proxy setup for site-side image optimization, including CMS images and responsive images. The results are edge cached as well for maximum delivery performance.
Drop me a message if you want more info.