Webflow Workshop #137: Building responsive footers with CSS grid

Join us live on January 22nd at 10am (pacific)
[ Watch and chat live on YouTube ]

CSS grid is one of those gifts that makes life so much easier — and, when you’re using it in Webflow, much more fun. In this stream, we’ll show you how to create a footer that’s easy to create and even easier to make responsive with CSS grid in Webflow.


are you only going live on youtube this time?

yes. Crowdcast servers were laggy last time. So we’ll be going straight to YouTube.

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ah, okay, cool. Good to know. Is there a way to submit a question/request before? I’ve been working on planmade.co (the site you reviewed on the last stream) and would love it if you could take a look at the progress on Tuesday. I’ve seen a google form somewhere but I don’t know if that’s still being used?

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Hey Nelson,

I can make a Webflow site with a form + zapier google sheets or a regular google form + google sheets so people can submit question or sites for you to answer or review. What you think?

Piter :webflow_heart:

Thanks @PeterDimitrov , no need to do that. I’ll be testing Live Q&A - Pigeonhole Live tomorrow and maybe using it for this Tuesday’s stream :slight_smile:

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Here is a link to today’s workshop project. Clone it, learn from it, use it.
