Webflow Stripe Membership Accounts

Hey i’ve been trying to sell memberships on webflow for a couple months but its going VERY BAD. The final payment at checkout looks sketchy so i want to make it Stripe Payment link instead. The most DIFFICULT part is linking a stripe payment to their webflow account?
Its honestly quite a lot and theres not much tutorials or info about this online. Would love any help or resources for how to do this. IM NOT BUYING AN EXTRA SERVICE or paying for another webflow app i want this to be free for me.
The easier / exact steps the better cause im not good at coding.

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

Could you use Stripe directly? Stripe Payment Links | Simple Links to Accept Payments

And give people access to a password protected page or folder? Then once you get enough revenue lined up you could consider implementing full-on authentication and payments.

Hey @ZAYNE you’ll need to find a new memberships approach within the next year anyway, as Webflow User Accounts is being sunset.

Duncan’s excellent recommendation is likely your best bet- separate the sale of the membership from the gating, and manually manage access rather than having a platform do it for you.

For now, you could use WUA and send out invites manually rather than self sign-up. Once you’re ready to migrate, Memberstack is by far your best bet- it easily has the most solid implementation, the best designer assets lib, and the best support.

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