Webflow review system + pagination (@Finsweet)

Hi guys,
I’m in the process of setting up a webflow website with a somewhat advanced goal.
My aim is to build a comparison portal using a CMS collection and a filtering system with different filters to create the usecase of the site.
So far so good - I’ve spent the last few months optimising the site (mostly successfully).
Now I’m faced with three problems that I’d like some help with. I’ll describe my problems in the hope that you can help me:

Problem 1:

My CMS items have the possibility to display additional divs via buttons ‘Show more’ and ‘Reviews’ (a window for more information about the product and a window where you can rate the product).
The review system works with Formspree (form for submitting reviews) and Firebase (database). Unfortunately, only the entry of my first CMS item gets into Firebase. The second item only reaches Formspree. I have mainly worked with code embeds.

Problem 2:

For the review output, Webflow should pull the data from Firebase and display it dynamically in a slider in the frontend. I would like only those slides (and dots) to be displayed that are also filled with reviews. Slides should also be added if there are more ratings. Currently, all slides are displayed when the page is reloaded, but not when I reload the page.

Problem 3:

In order to optimise the loading speed, I would like to optimise my CMS Collection using Pagination or similar solutions. However, when I try to do this, the problem arises that there is no longer an option to click on ‘Show more’ or ‘Reviews’ on the second page. As a result, Finsweet can no longer find any information and can no longer filter (the filters run via Finsweet and attributes).

If you could help me with these problems, I would be very grateful. I look forward to a great co-operation.

P.S: If you need more information/scripts/code, I am always available!
Best regards,

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - gym-check)