Webflow OAuth2 - List of Endpoints?

I am a Bubble visual programmer and I am looking to use OAuth2 with one of my Bubble applications.

I am having trouble setting things up though, and specifically I cannot find a specific endpoint for Users (User Profile Endpoint).

Does anyone know if there is an endpoint for this?

Here are the options in Bubble I am able to fill in including an example in the highlighted space where I am looking to setup a User Profile endpoint. I am sure most are not familiar with it, but I thought I would include it in case you had some ideas or were familiar with it



Webflow users’ profiles are not available via the Webflow API…

The only ones that are available are listed here http://developers.webflow.com

You also cannot host a server-side webapp on Webflow, therefore you cannot create your own endpoints.

Here are some examples of other OAuth2 ‘User Profile’ endpoints for other services. Despite it being called a User Profile Endpoint, I do not think it accesses User Profiles and this may be just what it is called in Bubble. Hopefully these examples give you a better idea of what type of endpoint I am looking for?

Slack - https://slack.com/api/users.profile.get
Twitch - https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/user
Paypal - https://api.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/identity/openidconnect/userinfo?schema=openid
Google Analytics - https://www.googleapis.com/analytics/v3/management/accounts


So what data is returned from calling those endpoints?