Webflow.io subdomain indexing - Disable or not? If I don't have a custom domain

Hi! I’m preparing my three portfolio example sites that I’m going to submit for my application to the Webflow Partner Program.

There is a requirement to disable webflow.io subdomain indexing. Should I do it if I don’t have a custom domain yet for my website and use the one with a subdomain?

Thank you!

Here is my site Read-Only: Webflow - Koho - Kitchen Designs

Hello @Narine_Mirzayan, what the disable webflow.io option does is to just add a robots.txt to your website to tell Google and other search engines not to index your site, so the webflow domain will still work, it will just not be indexed by Google. So if it is a requirement, you should disable it, you will still be able to use the webflow domain, it will just not be indexed by Google. I hope this helps.

@Pablo_Cortes Thank you a lot! That really helps))

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