Disallow Indexing of .webflow.io subdomain, 404 disallow - best practice?

I working on a memory prompt list for launching a Webflow hosted site and want to make sure I have a complete and accurate process.

After adding a custom domain (the raw and www versions) and publishing my new and shinny Webflow hosted site I would…

1- Unpublish the .webflow.io version
2- Turn “Disable Subdomain Indexing” to YES (if I hadn’t already when I started the site); just to confirm this will ONLY disallow indexing of the subdomain (webflow.io) and NOT the custom domain.
3- Add the following Disallow to the robots.txt to make sure the 404 page isn’t listed in search engines.
User-agent: *
Disallow: /404
4- Submit everything to search engines and get analytics rolling.

Did I miss anything? @cyberdave Could I get someone to weigh in on this? Unpublishing the .webflow.io version causes some error messages “unpublished changes warning” in the hosting tab. Having the .webflow.io version unpublished should hurt SEO…would it?

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