Videos (backrgound videos and video embeds) on mobile all of a sudden not autoplaying, but instead showing a play button

Hey guys,

not sure what happened, but all my background videos and MP4 autoplay embeds that worked perfectly before on mobile, randomly stopped autoplaying. Instead show the big play button on mobile.

I haven’t changed the video at all. Not sure what is causing this. I’ve republished multiple times.

Anyone know what is going on here?

Here is my site Read-Only: LINK
(how to share your site Read-Only link)

But maybe your OS has changed and/or your browser version (mostly the browser, I mention the OS because the browser version change with an OS update).

Not so long ago, bg videos and autoplay videos were not possible on mobile, because it draws such power from the device. The past two years it gradually became possible.

What OS and what browser are you testing on, and what’s the page on which you experience this?

I’m using Safari on an iPhone, iOS 12. This literally worked till yesterday. What could’ve happened in a day?

You probably found out already, but for anyone facing the same problem… Autoplay won’t work when your device is in low power mode.

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