A potential client of mine who offers courses to her clients is wanting to upload videos and PDFs into 2 resource libraries on her site built using the CMS. One of these resource libraries will need to be password protected (for paying clients).
What are some options for hosting these videos and PDFs externally?
Since Webflow does not offer password protection on files and does not support video storage other than background videos, Webflow is simply not a good choice for your project. Why not use a CMS that offers the features you need?
They’re actually just wanting the actual page to be password protected. So once they’ve entered into that page they’ll have access to all resources there.
Links to resources on the CDN are not secured assets. Anyone with a link can share it and anyone with it can download it. Nothing to stop it from being indexed as well. Until Webflow releases its new planned membership features and don’t see as an option. You may be able to wait since Q4 was the beta release date targeted.
Video support is non existent. I could build a functional solution quickly elsewhere.
You don’t. But, all info products are at risk of piracy anyway. Even if you lock everything behind a bulletproof paywall, people still find ways to make copies and share the materials on torrent sites. Even Netflix and Disney+ can’t stop people from ripping and sharing their content.