how to add video to Webflow. my video keeps getting cropped.
Hello @Grace_Weon, your video is cropping because it doesn’t have an explicit size. One way to solve is to give it an aspect ration. So on your case, remove the margins you have on your video component, then add a custom aspect ratio of 9:18
Then you can center the video using the parent container flex center center. I hope this helps!
thank you so much Pablo
is there a way to remove the underline part?
Hi Grace,
It looks like it’s part of the video itself? You can see a thin shadow on the other sides as well.
Short of editing the video, the easiest way is probably just to select the video element, subclass it, and apply a 2px bottom white border.
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@Grace_Weon yes like @memetican mentioned the lines are part of the video, follow his advice, I also think that is probably the best option other than editing the video.