Variations in Mobile Version Spacing

The mobile version of my webpage, Catalyst, is appearing differently on the mobile preview I’m editing on Webflow versus the actual look on my mobile device. I’ll show some screenshots

read only link -

Current Published Site -

Browser type - Safari and Google Chrome

Page - How much oil & gas is left

Web flow Editor

My mobile device

Page - Is World Oil Peaking?

Web flow Editor

My Mobile Device

My mobile device is a Samsung Galaxy Note. Could the size of my phone be affecting this more? Does the mobile version look correct on an Apple Phone?

Thanks for whoever can help!


You can use the canvas re sizer to evaluate how your design will look on other devices. You have set a fixed height on your columns which is what is causing the problems. Go through and remove the height so that the original “auto” cascades from the desktop to the other devices.

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