Upload button not responding

Strangely all the upload buttons in my forms no longer work.

I tried adding a vanilla upload button but it didnt work either.

Any ideas?

You can see an upload button in the form in the footer of every page.


Here is my site Read-Only: https://preview.webflow.com/preview/heard-website?utm_source=heard-website&preview=e28130da193b55bc7c77ed727743c59f

You say upload button? I asume you refer to the form subbmission. I tried and it did work for me on My iPad

Theres actually a tab in the footer with 2 forms.

The second one. All the other fields are working correctly as is the submission button.

Ok, now i see. And its not working on My iPad. Will test om My computer

@Willem_Reyners_Tay one thing have you tried to recrete the tab? I have hade some problems with the tab My self. The solution has Always been to create a new tab element. Won’t take to long time since the classes are there .

What…is this a spam comment?

Ok so i finally managed to work this out by deleting the upload element and re-creating it.

But weird silly bugs like this really reduce my confidence in the webflow platform.

Hey, @Willem_Reyners_Tay! I just want to say that I’m sorry this unusual incident has reduced your confidence in Webflow as you mentioned but I just want to reassure you that things like that are very rare. Take it from me as a an avid Webflow user I can’t stress enough the insane value you get from using Webflow. It’s unreal! And I know you will see that if you stick with it. I don’t work for Webflow, but I am saying this as an honest fellow designer/developer. Any platform period will have tiny quirks and things and believe me if you were coding that from the ground up you’d most likely have many more bugs happen as opposed to just being able to re-add the element and it works.

With all that being said I hope you stick with it and still give Webflow an honest and open chance to show you it’s amazing possibilities. Once you learn it’s tiny quirks (which is hardly anything) and just know what to do about them you will be completely shocked on how easy it is to get what you want/need out of it!

Last thing! This is the best community/forum I have ever been involved with. I can guarantee if you ever need help with something you will get it here, or one of us will try and connect you to the right path to get you sorted out! Let me know if there is anything I can do!

Wish you the best! :webflow_heart:


Hi @Willem_Reyners_Tay

Thanks for letting us know that replacing the element fixed the problem here.

Our team will definitely keep an eye out for other issues like this just in case there is an underlying issue here :bowing_man:

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