Yesterday, I went through my site to update the year from 2023 to 2024 in the bottom corner of all website pages. Easy enough. No issues and I published the changes.
Today, a coworker mentioned the site is not working. Sure enough, I load it up and nearly all images are missing and most of the text on the site is gone. However, they are showing on the site preview and CMS side of the designer. I assumed I must have made a mistake yesterday, so I restored a version of my website from 8 days ago.
After restoring, I’m seeing no difference between any versions. Even versions from 3 months ago. They all look fine in Preview and in Designer, but when they go live, they are missing pictures and text.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I’ve reached out to WebFlow support but have not heard anything yet.
Here is a read only link: Webflow - Alt Source
Here is live site:
Any help or tips would be greatly appreciated.