Unable to scroll on apple mobile

I have many pages in my portfolio and when I open it on my apple mobile phone some of the pages don’t scroll. when I try to open it in Android phone it’s working.

and the pages helpER and JOY isn’t working:frowning: the other page works fine.

help? :slight_smile: thanks

I understand your issue, but there is no way I or anyone else can help you if we can’t actually see the page. Please create a share link, so we can look at your page and see what’s wrong.

If you don’t know how to create one, check this short tutorial here.

sorry added the link
the pages helpER and JOY isn’t working:frowning: the other page works fine.


Your Body is set to Overflow: Hidden on these pages, that is probably the problem.

thankssssss i was looking for it and apparently its was overflow on the mobile