Trouble with Slider / Content within Slider

Hey webflow community,

I’m having trouble making the content in my slider sit center + middle of the page. I know how I would achieve this using a normal div box (set the parent to flex layout, align and justify set to center) but for some reason I can’t enable this with the slider.

Is the slider not a parent to the content within it?

I’m trying to mirror this page Jmeel Allen – Design. Identity. Art-direction.

Here is my site Read-Only: [(][1]
([how to share your site Read-Only link][2])

[1]:*emphasized text*

Hi benjiabc

Do you mean center vertical or horizontal?

I’d like the content to sit in the middle of the slider so both center vertically and center horizontally as I’m able to do with a normal div block. At the moment i’m having to rely on padding and margins to center the text.


Take a look on that video - hope it helps

Thank you! It wasn’t that, but I did add a div block within the slider and set that to 100% height, then put all the content within that div.