I am trying to have HTML embed link styled like two distinct buttons. After going through the forum I found a way to do this for one button style, however, no matter what I tried I cannot seem to get the second style to work.
The text color of the light button always remains the same color than that of the dark one (I guess it is because it takes its style from the All links tag) however, I cannot figure out how to override it for just that single button style. (I added in a button below the embed as a reference to what I want it to look like).
thanks for taking the time to reply. Those values are actually defining the colors of the embedded form itself, not of the embrd button that links to it.
One way how to is to wrap your button element in anchor tag and style this element with custom CSS. I have made simple example of your button element in embed but you can place styling to site settings if you use this button across your site.
Thanks so much for looking at this and providing a solution.
Does that mean I don’t need the first two lines of code from the Calendly widget? Sorry I obviously do not have any coding knowledge and was just using the code snippet provided by Calendly but I’d love to understand why your solution is working.
hi @christinahengefeld you will probably need these links and stylings as what I saw it is not redirect only but this button initiate callendy modal. I have never used callendy and I didn’t look into documentation. I have deleted these only for example purpose as in read-only doesn’t allow to save changes and script tag prevent displaying results in preview mode.
sorry, I just got to test your solution today and it worked fantastically.
I actually did style a button in the designer, assigned a class to it and then used it as you suggested, that way I can use on the entire site without having to style the element in the HTML embed or in project settings.
Thanks for hinting me towards the syntax error, that has helped me with other issues I had as well.
Thanks again for taking the time - this community is amazing!