When I set the background color of any div that is positioned over a page with a dark background to transparent (or any rgba set to 0%) safari displays a “black” instead of transparent. viz screenshots.
The link is below. the issue is visible on events page and bottom of the home page as well as the contact page.
No I didn’t. The old solution for this known problem (pick a color and set transparecy to 0) doesn’t work. Also what is really odd is that it happens only on the backgrounds that are very dark.
I’ve heard about Safari displaying black instead transparency on PNG’s specifically. Not sure that’s your issue, but this has come up before. It’s definitely Safari. If I find out why, I’ll shoot you a message.
Yeah I have done some digging around and testing. The known issue is that if transparenci is set to “Transparent” Safari will render that as black. And the solution for that was to change the background color from “transparent” to rgba: 255, 255, 255 0% (or any color at 0%). But this doesn’t not work in webflow anymore. But the really odd think is that if you look at the event page (link above) you will see the issue on the background of the tabs menu, but as you start scrolling down the page and the gradiend bacground of the page lightens up a bit the tabs menu background becomes fully transparent…
Man!! Uh… you have something I’ve not seen. Boy I wish I had a solution. I’ll keep checking if I can find anything. It’s obviously a known issue for Safari - and it’s rendering of transparent, but I don’t know how it could work on IOS, but not on Desktop?? Strange.
On the page you sent, which section exactly and which element is this happening on - specifically show me that and I’ll look this evening and get back tomorrow if I find something.
Post your read-only link and I’ll check it out for ya.