I’ve used the ‘drop down’ element in ‘advanced’ to create a series of Questions and Answers on a page.
A visitor to the site will just see the question proceeded by a open/close icon. Clicking the Question Pops down the answer which is a paragraph of text.
My issue is in mobile view/vertical.
The question text sits inside a List Title which is nested in the Accordian Toggle, all elements that come with the component.
All works fine with 3 lines of text but once a fourth line of text is added, that fourth line gets clipped.
Otherwise it opens and closes just fine.
I’ve been adjusting every combination of elements to see if I can open this up to fit that fourth line but to no avail.
It may be that there are just some limitations which how this works since it has to handle a single line question as well as 3 line question.
- I hesitate to make the type smaller.
- May be a limitation to the toggle or I am missing something obvious
- I wanted to use the component supplied by WF rather than make from scratch
Here is my site Read-Only: